
Sunday, November 12, 2006


The Hilarious House of Frightenstein

The boys are loving some of the classic (and excuse me while I use that term rather loosely) cartoon shows from my childhood. Scooby Doo and Garfield are both current favourites.

Early this morning, I checked the TV listings looking for Scooby Doo and instead, to my great delight, found a listing on the Space network for the Hilarious House of Frightenstein.

Do you remember this truly classic show? Along with Sesame Street and the Electric Company, it was one of my favourites. I clearly remember being awake before the rest of the house and watching HHF in the early morning light. (I guess the boys come by their early-rising tendencies honestly.)

A couple of months ago, when the Electric Company DVD boxed set came out, Beloved got a copy for me (for Mother's Day!), but I have to admit that I remembered less than half of the sketches. Watching HHF this morning, though, it was hard to believe that it's been more than 30 years since I've seen an episode. It was all just like I remembered it: Dr Pet Vet, the Grammar Slammer, Igor and the sloth, and bad poetry from Vincent Price. I was hoping to see the Wolfman Jack segment, but according to this Wikipedia entry, they haven't been able to secure the musical rights and so have cut that segment out of the syndicated repeats.

Did you watch this when you were a kid? I had no idea it was Canadian until I read the Wiki entry - in fact, it was produced by CHCH in Hamilton, close enough to my home town of London to be in our original pre-cable 13 channel line-up along with Tiny Talent Time. (Ah, Tiny Talent Time... I'm sure my not-so-latent need for media attention somehow relates to the thwarted desires of my inner six-year-old to be on Tiny Talent Time.)

We watched about 20 minutes of HHF this morning before the boys got restless and started asking to see the copy of Cars we rented for the weekend. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Count Frightenstein doesn't measure up to Lightning McQueen... but I am a little disappointed.

Maybe I'll set the VCR for next Sunday morning and watch a few episodes after the boys go to bed. Nostalgia rocks!

What shows from your childhood would you watch today?
