
Wednesday, April 11, 2007


My husband is a dumbass

I'm flying into Toronto for a marketing conference tomorrow - well, today by the time you're reading this. My flight leaves Ottawa at 6 am, and I arrive in Toronto at 7:05. (In order to make my flight, I have to be at the airport at 5 am, which means getting up just after 4 am.)

Did I mention the 15 cm of snow in the forecast?

Then I leave Toronto at 6 pm and get back to Ottawa just after 7 pm.
No time for blogging - but think a kind thought for me as I hurry up and wait all day long!
(If you're wondering, no the title of this post has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter. As I sat contemplating a title for this inauspicious post with my fingers poised over the keyboard, Beloved playfully suggested that maybe I should title it 'my husband is a dumbass' - so I did.)
