
Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Blog woes

I'm feeling a lot of blog angst today.  First, while I was on vacation they unilaterally cut access to blogs from work.  Ugh!  No blogs whatsoever!  You might remember, I'm starting work on a project to integrate social media more fully into how we communicate as an organization; this isn't a step in the right direction.

Luckily, because of that at least I have an excuse to wave my fists and wail and demand blog access back, and my uber-cool boss has put my name at the top of the list of people who should have immediate access restored.  But this is government and nothing happens quickly.

On a larger scale, though, I think I'm finally ready to make the leap to my own domain.  I'm officially done with Blogger.  I almost jumped ship a year ago, but when they introduced Blogger Beta, they introduced the one feature I had been most coveting:  labels, or categories.  But, I recently realized that each category will display a maximum of 20 posts.  Everything else is lost to the ether, and some of my categories have more than 60 posts in them (hell, you know as well as anybody that if I'm anything, I'm prolific!)

Apparently, I'm restricted to 20 posts per category because I chose to keep my customizable "classic template", the one I understand and can tinker with.  I could move to the newfangled Widget template, but I would lose some flexibility.  I'm finally fed up.  I'm done with Blogger.

Earlier this year, I registered danigirl.ca, so I already have the domain.  I know I ask this question about twice a year, but for those of you who haven't yet tutored me on this, any tips for inexpensive, reliable hosting in Canada and new blog software?  I'm leaning towards Wordpress, because I've heard MT is more of a pain than it's worth.  I'm worried that Wordpress won't let me tinker, though.  Thoughts?